My old Yamaha YHR668N has non-engraved valve caps.

My old Alexander 103 (c. 1958) has engraved caps.

I believe the Mirafone folks engraved the valve caps on their their Conn 28D copies.

Doesn't 1 of the student-line double horns come with engraved valve caps? Jupiter, maybe?

BTW, where would you recommend sending valve caps to have professional quality aftermarket custom engraving done? (Nothing too fancy. Maybe just ornate Roman numerals -- I on the 1st valve cap, II on the 2nd valve cap, III on the 3rd valve cap.)

-- Alan Cole, rank amateur
McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
I *think* the older 668 had engraved valve caps, while the new Mark II has simple polished caps.

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