I recommend Jason Dumars (http://www.saxophone.org/jde/).  I haven't had him
do anything for me, but I was looking for an engraver to do some stuff for
me in the future.  He is the person I've decided on.  His rates seem
reasonable and his work is exquisite.

Joyce Maley, South Carolina, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hurricane Chinooks - Home of the Large Lap Dogs:  http://www.chinookdogs.com
Hurricane Alpacas - All ARI Registered:  http://www.myalpacas.com
Cornet Connection:  http://www.cornetconnection.com

> date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 13:44:50 -0500
> from: Alan Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [Hornlist] Yamaha 668II
> BTW, where would you recommend sending valve caps to have 
> professional 
> quality aftermarket custom engraving done?  (Nothing too 
> fancy.  Maybe just 
> ornate Roman numerals -- I on the 1st valve cap, II on the 
> 2nd valve cap, 
> III on the 3rd valve cap.)
> -- Alan Cole, rank amateur
>     McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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