Hello to all.

I feel that the bad press you folks are giving to the Holton horns is not fair to 
'throw' at Rebecca.

She is hoping to find some instruments which the students can learn on, and I have not 
been unhappy with the Holtons which I have used, for over 50 years, now!!
I have not ever played a Conn, so have no view of those!

Every brand of horn has some 'dog' or other in the mix, no matter which maker you care 
to discuss.    Even the custon horn makers may end up with a flawed horn which the 
maker failed to discover/realize, and most of the fellows who are in that business 
will say that an item can get by them, by over-sight, or for whatever other reason.    
And they will be happy to correct their errors!!

If they can be perfect, then their horns will be perfect, and who is that good??

I did not mention the Yamaha horns to Rebecca, but they may very well be another 
viable option for her and her friend.

Some folks may have had a bad Holton, but that is not to say that they are all bad!!

Got a 3 cent piece for me??

Joe Duke
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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