Josh C wrote

I never said I couldn't play in tune on one.  I can play in tune on a garden
hose with a funnel jammed in the end.  I said they were "notoriously
difficult to play in tune".  Glad you've got my problem all figured out
though.  Now if I can just figure out which end to put the mouthpiece

Try the opposite end from the funnel, Josh, unless
it's already attached to a faucet, in which case,
don't bother.

Speaking of which, my opera Fun with Dick and Jane,
which features a solo garden hose (in D) in the famed
aria See Spot Run will be staged in San Francisco this 
August.  I am sure that many hornlist members will
be anxious to make reservations to visit Bayreuth
that month.

Gotta go,
set your options at

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