Chris Tedesco asks:

<< In all seriousness, I bet most of us never heard of "factory dust" or 
lapping compound in new horns until the recent hornlist posts. If it were really a 
problem, wouldn't it have been brought to the general horn-public's attention 
much earlier?  >>

I had some time to think about the other brand new horns I've owned through 
the years and if there were problems.  Here goes:

    Conn 8D - L series, Elkhart, 1968 - Yes.  Metal shavings in valves.  
Clattered after a few weeks use.  Cleaned and adjusted by Walter Lawson, no 

    Alexander 107VN descant - 1969 - no problems

    Mirafone - full double - 1969 - no problems

    King Eroica - 1972 - pilot model - no problems

    Mirafone - full double - 1973 - no problems

    Holton 181 - 1974 - sticky valves - cleaned - lots of oil cleared that up 
    but they always clattered - never could get all the end play out.

    Alexander 107 descant - 1976 - no problems

    Alexander 303 full triple - 1977 - sticky valves - lapped - still were    
    sticky - attributed to expansion/contraction of hollow rotors.  Bad 
    design corrected by Alex since, I think.

    Englebert Schmid - full double - 1996 - one sticky valve - taken apart -  
  metal shavings in casing - cleaned and oiled fixed it.

    Every used horn I have ever bought, mostly vintage 8D's, I                
     immediately disassemble and clean, oil and grease because I trust no     
one's crud but my own.  They have also gone for valve rebuilds at         
Lawsons - no problems.

As to the many students, colleagues, acquaintances at workshops,         
KBHCers, etc. that I have known who had horn quality problems, it is the majority 
not the minority I can honestly say.  Some due to poor/sloppy workmanship 
and/or finishing.  Others due to lack of common sense minimal maintenance by the 
owners.  But hey, I've know people who bought new cars and never changed the 
oil either.

To answer Chris' question:  I have known about for years.  Others have known 
about it for years.  You are a student and now you know about it.  To quote 
Marty Hackelman "That's why they're called students."


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