I have recently struggled with the problem of how to teach musicality. I can't seem to recall exactly how I learned it (if indeed I ever have) - I think listening to a lot of recordings and live performances helped. I think I started off just imitating & then over time learned to develop my own ideas.

Now when I try to teach it, I am just at a loss for words. Plus, I hate the idea of "micromanaging" a student's musicianship. One great thing that I stumbled upon recently is Philip Farkas' book "The Art of Musicianship". He seems to have systematically figured out what makes for good musicianship & found words for it. Ordinarily I would be skeptical of such an idea, but having read about half of it, he really does a great job of articulating a lot of things that I've been doing intuitively for years. The jury's still out on whether I can translate it to my students...I may just have them buy the book (available from Wind Music Publications).

-Cathryn Cummings
Navy Band Southeast

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