I was wondering how my highschool grades affected my chances of
getting accepted into a colleges music program and such.

If you want to study at a state school or private academic-heavy university it often matters A LOT. You have to be accepted into the university AND the music program. Private conservatories often don't have as high standards for grades, but have a HIGHER standard for performance!

If I get a performance major, its just a degree, how does it help me to get into orchestras?

If that degree made you practice a lot, it probably will help. The piece of paper that says "Bachelor of Music" won't do anything by itself.

After or during college, how do I get my foot through the door to start getting paying full time Orchestra positions?

Try to get gigs playing for small-town orchestras. Try to get on the sub list for better orchestras. Anything that gives you some playing experience helps, but it won't get you a full-time job; only practice will do that.

After my 4 years of getting a bachelors in performance could I get my
orchestra job and pay the bills or what?

Probably not. If you practice hard enough though, you might.

None of this was meant to be discouraging. There are a lot of horn players who are trying to get full-time orchestra jobs. Most of them never get them. Many of them make a decent living doing other musical things. Many others make a decent living doing non-musical things.


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