A bit of knowledge in geography might reveal, that something is wrong
with that obscure "Linz" horn "made in Italy", as Linz has nothing to do
with Italy.

The producer of this instrument might have nothing to do with the
engravings either, but the dealer (s), who got it engraved (perhaps).
Such kind of (cheap) horns are now made in countries as Brazil &
Pakistan or elsewhere. To camouflage the origin they are engraved that
way, but as the engravers mix up geographic terms the wrong way, they
are not aware, that some people might be able to detect that.

Linz is a very old city in Austria (Mozart composed his "Linzer
Symphony" there. The house still exists.), once the capital of the
greatest imperium ever existed on earth during the time of emperors
Friedrich III. & Maximilian, including Spain, Portugal, Germany,
Austria, Bohemia, Hungaria,, the Netherlands, parts of Poland, Rumania,
Serbia, Montenegro, northern Italy, Sicily, whole Brazil, Mexico, Peru,
Colombia, Chile, Argentina, etc. & parts of India ) - but no horn makers
except Heidegger & Lorenz, who ceased since long.

"made in Italy" is also a fake.

Yes, I know, why "Linz" rings a bell.  1938 March 12th, the annexion of
Austria by the dictator with the little moustache - not Charlie, but
similar - , who also grew up there. 


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