While not on any particular topic, I have seen Eldon Matlick's name on 
postings many times over the last three years or so.  I ran into that name again 
about 3 months ago. I play in a community college orchestra in Tacoma, 
Washington, and our soloist for our winter concert was Jeff Fahre. 

Jeff is the new (as of last fall) assistant first with the Seattle Symphony, 
following three years as principal with San Antonio. He played a Mozart; I 
think it was the 2nd.  By the time he did the concert, he had already rehearsed 
for five hours with Seattle that day. But you couldn't tell from his playing -- 
tremendous sound, and at times his playing reminded me of the Brain 

We were fortunate to get Jeff -- he and his wife were good friends of our 
director's son and daughter-in-law at Juliard, where Jeff got his masters degree. 
His wife also performed with us this fall -- a fabulous violist. 

So congrats to Mr. Matlick.

Ross Taylor
Tacoma, Washington
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