> > Sometime in the late 60's/early 70's, the Philadelphia Brass Quintet
> playing under the name "The Torchy Jones Brass Quintet"

> ...three classical melodies are played in jazz arrangement
> by Frank Howard: Tchaik 5 (recorded as Jonesy Swings)

"Hunter." Frank Hunter.

> It was released as a Demo LP, and there aren't too very many copies
> of it extant as far as I can tell

Sean, I looked for YEARS to find one. Snagged mine at a record show in
SanFran back in '84. As far as I can tell, the LP was released more-or-less
"normally," but got pulled as soon as a few rolled off the presses. Though
now lost in a hard-drive crash, I e-mailed Abe Torchinksy and asked him
about it... not expecting an answer.

But then, a few days later, I received an e-mail from "Mr T" (pardon me)
explaining the situation. Abe was more descriptive, but the jist of it was
this: "There was NOT going to be any 'Philadelphia Brass Quintet" recordings
coming out without Ormandy's name on them, and therefore, also lining his
pockets." It got pulled.

In all fairness, I'd wager that Ormandy had a contract with Columbia records
that he THOUGHT was air-tight as far as royalties went, but that the PBQ did
an end run (intentionally, or not) around it by NOT calling themselves "The
Philadelphia Brass Quintet." I'd also wager that the LP's recall showed who
had the clout, PBQ or Ormandy.

Cool record too. When I was in the Travis AFB band, our brass quintet
managed to spend a BIG pile of your tax money on a Frank Hunter Beatle's
medley. Any hornlisters who are at Travis, or KNOW anyone who is, might want
to take a look at it. It was commisioned just for us and I think it would be
a hoot if I could get to see (or hear) it again. While I'm wagering, I'll
bet it hasn't been played since I was there. I left in '83.

All you need is love.

jrc in SC

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