There has been some discussion on this list about low register playing
improving the high register. As someone who has recently returned to
playing the Horn, I have some idea as to what constitutes high and low
register, but I was wondering if there is any accepted standard?

I have recently started playing as part of a small local orchestra. The
current Horn player says she is a low register player and would prefer
to play 2nd. Horn, though she currently plays 1st. Horn. She says she is
comfortable up to high e or f, whereas I feel reasonably comfortable up
to b flat / b above that, but I'm not yet confident enough in other
aspects of my performance to take on the more complex 1st. Horn parts.
We are currently rehearsing Mozart's 23rd Piano Concerto and Haydn's
"Surprise" Symphony. Currently we share the 1st. Horn parts with me
playing 1st. for the Haydn and she playing 1st. on the Mozart. This
works really well, but ultimately I can see that she would like to hand
over the 1st. Horn role.

Most of the music I would like to play is in the higher register (e.g.
Forster), so in any case I would like to develop my higher register
playing. Any comments and advice would be welcome. However, I take it as
read that "practice" and "practice some more" is always good advice!

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