
Very interesting post!

I will share a bit of my situation in this regard. I had a bariatric procedure 5 years ago, and have lost over 200 pounds. During the initial blood testing by the surgeon, he found that my testosterone level was in his words, "the lowest I've ever seen in one of my patients". He said by having the surgery and losing the weight, that my level would rise. It did, but not enough, so he prescribed a medication that I apply to my chest every morning after I am finished showering. It is painless and has brought my testosterone level to where it should be. A welcomed effect was a great rise in my libido (lucky me and lucky wife). At first, I didn't care so much if I had a problem with my levels being low, but the surgeon said that low testosterone levels are the cause of Osteoporosis in males (as well as the muscle tone you speak about in your post). Since I already have suffered in the past from a condition called Perthes (sp) Hip Disease, I did not fool around with this situation. Men in their 40's and 50's can have this happen to them, so Gentlemen, ask your physician to check your levels when you have your yearly physical.

Hans, thank you for bringing this to light on the list, this is all the more reason for me to not skip using my testosterone medication on those mornings when I think I am in a hurry. I don't want to lose anymore muscle tone. I want to continue to play just as long as I can, as I am having too much fun since I have lost all of the weight. I actually have a life again, and I want to enjoy the remainder of it..

Thanks again,

Walt Lewis

At 09:31 AM 11/13/2004 +0100, you wrote:

After mid life, the Testosterone output (hormones) will decrease. It
starts at age 40-45 for some, while some others have the same output
level as younger fellows in their thirties when they have passed 60 of
age already or more.

This hormone is responsible not only for the sexual functions of both
sexes, but mainly for the function of the muscle tonus, which is the
muscles ability to contract & to relax. This is one of the main body
functions we need as a brass player. If the muscles lose this ability,
well, the lip power will fade out slow by slow, like other muscle

We have to realize, that after mid life, the body does not build up any
new muscle tissue, but fat tissue. The balance goes more & more in
favour of fat tissue. That is nature.

If one has built his lip muscles in the youth, carefully, he or she
might have an advantage for those who begin playing & thus training the
lip muscle in the fifties. Those must realize that their abilities will
be limited from the beginning. They should not "place their target too
high". Their expectations should be centered about: being part of an
ensemble (from duo or trio to full orchestra) & ENJOY making music

It is NONSENSE to practice INSANE just to please the EGO or to IMPRESS
other players. KNOW your LIMITATIONS, live with them, keep your level by
constant practise. Practise in a moderate way WITHOUT forcing things. As
said by others: practise for one to one and one half hours daily, but
care  to divide the session & make a good & long rest between. This
should be a special advise for already retired.

Your BENEFIT is not for playing only, but for your HEALTH also, as this
FORCED BREATHING EXERCISE (as we might label our playing of a brass
instrument) is very profitable for the health.

Last word: if you suffer from Testosterone deficit (ask your medic about
a blood test), there are ways to compensate the deficiency (not the blue
pills, you might think of !!!). Your medic will (perhaps) give you the
right medication.  This medication needs the supervising doctor, and
blood checks should be done every years anyway, at least if over 60.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548
home: www.pizka.de

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