A couple of recordings I have been listening to lately have have had particularly distinctive (and in one case distinguished as well) horn playing and I was wondering if anyone on the list had any knowledge of who the players might have been.

Number one is a 1952 recording of the Munich State Opera playing Wagner orchestral works (including Die Feen and Das Liebesverbot, which are not exactly everyday repertoire) and conducted by Franz Konwitschny has the sound I associate with many of the classic live recordings German of Wagner operas, somewhat crude, but totally committed to the music. Hans, I know you have been with the opera there for quite a while; who was the the generation (or two) before you?

The other is a live (BBC) recording of the Strauss Vier letzte Lieder with Elisabeth Soederstrom and the Royal Philharmonic, conducted by Antal Dorati in the early seventies that also has the Moonlight Music (Strauss' Concerto no. 2 1/2) and the following final scene from Capriccio played by the London Philharmonic under Pierre Boulez. I'm too lazy to go dig around and find the actual CD and give exact dates, but I think I recall that this was done in the mid 70's. The playing in the songs is particularly beautiful (in terms of sound and overall expressiveness) and tempos are excruciatingly slow. Paul, Lawrence?

Peter Hirsch

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