Please pardon the dual posting.
I have uncovered a possible scam using our favorite site,
I currently have a horn for sale listed on that site.
I was contacted by a potential buyer named, Helen Howard.  She wanted to pay me 
several thousand dollars more than I was asking for the horn, and then have me 
return the excess cash to her.  She would then send someone to my house to pick 
up the horn.  She called this person her P. a, whatever that is.
This person's English was unclear, so I wrote her back.  I got an easier to 
read letter, but it still sounds like she wants to wash some funds through me.  
I refused.
Just thought all of you should know.  I'm certain that Robin does not have a 
hand in this, but it still would be wise for all of use to check out such 
offers carefully.  Ebay, it seems, is not the only problem area.
Wilbert in SC
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