
Peter Hui is correct, I have no doubt, that the Borodin Serenade was played
on the recital as an encore. I have not been able to listen to the tape I
have all the way to the end, but I don't question that I would hear this
piece if I had the time and means to finish dubbing the reel to reel tape I
have. The only problem is that I am not referring to an encore but what I
assume to be the fourth selection on the recital, following Strauss no. 1,
Beethoven op. 16 and the Krol Laudatio. The tape in my possession seems to
have been made by someone holding a mike in front of a speaker, since I
hear extraneous sounds and conversations in the distance. It was also made
either on a machine with severe pitch variations or on a tape that has
stretched and contracted drastically over the years. Whoever made the tape
also attempted to cut out all non-musical material, so no announcements are
heard (in fact, the first few notes of the Beethoven are also lopped off).
If you are able to listen to your copy and identify the entire program,
that would probably end this quest satisfactorily for me.

My apologies to the list for the extensive self quoting and copy/pasting
below, but I want it to be clear, if possible, just what the history and
context of this posting is.


Peter Hirsch

p.s. I'm still putting together my mailing of horn recordings that I
initiated a few months ago; it's just taking me a lot of time that I can't
seem to steal from other pursuits.

- p.

DAVE J. wrote:
<message: 19
<date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 06:54:51 -0800 (PST)
<from: David Jewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<subject: Re: [Hornlist] Baumann repertoire question
<Mr. Hui is correct - the piece is the serenade by borodin.  I have this
tape, and on it <Herr baumann announces the selection, as does the
announcer.  He also played the <rossini les rendezvouss des chasses as an


<<Peter Hui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<<Wow, and I thought I was the only one who remembered this broadcast...
<<Are you speaking of the encore that he played at the end? If I recall
<<correctly, the piece was a movement from the "Five Pieces from Little
<<Suite", by Borodin.
<<Oddly enough, I have the sheet music, along with the receipt from when I
<<originally purchased the music, in front of me right now. Published by:
<<Israel Brass Woodwind Publications
<<P.O. Box 2811
<<Holon 58128 Israel
<<If I recall correctly, he played the third piece (Serenade) as an encore.
<<It looks like I got it from Robert King, but this was back in 1992, so I
<<can't guarantee that it is still in print. Feel free to contact me if
<<you need more info.


<<> I have a tape, made from an off the air broadcast, of Hermann Baumann
<<> playing a recital at the Frick Collection in NYC sometime in the early
<<> to mid- 1980's. After renditions of the Strauss no. 1, the Beethoven
<<> Sonata and the Krol Ladatio, there follows a work that I cannot
<<> identify. I initially thought that it was a Russian song
<<> transcription, but many of the features of the piece make me think
<<> that it is a horn piece that I am not familiar with. Does anyone have
<<> information on the works played on this concert? Failing this, I would
<<> be willing to send a file made from this tape to anyone acquainted
<<> with Herr Baumann's recital repertoire in hopes of making an ID.
<<>Peter Hirsch


<<Thanks. I am well acquainted with the Borodin and, unfortunately, it is
<<the piece on the tape. I have been playing the horn for over 40 years and
<<always been a "repertoire maven" in addition to working for one of the
<<world's largest music research libraries (NYPL) and that is why it
<<surprises me to come up against a substantial work for horn that is
<<unfamiliar to me. It initially sounds like a Russian song transcription,
<<but goes on through several dramatic sections that do not sound at all
<<vocal in origin. It is also much longer than anything that would be
<<as an encore (the Borodin is only about a minute and half long) and, on
<<tape, comes after only 3 previous selections, which would be an unusually
<<short program, even for a horn recital.
<<Thanks again, though the mystery remains unsolved,

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