I think that people should take into consideration several things: often times, 
students are given pieces beyond their ability levels.  As strange as it may 
seem, I was given a Mozart concerto before I had the range or techical ability 
to make it resemble Mozart.  I played it, because that's what my dad and 
teacher wanted me to do.  High school students do not always have ample time to 
practice.  They get to school at 7 in the morning, and if they're in any 
extra-curriculars, don't get home until dinner.  Then add to that a part-time 
job, and hours of homework so that the school can get good scores on 
standardized tests, high school students have every waking hour of the day 
filled.  No wonder it took a year to work up a challenging solo like 
Villanelle.  Maybe William is a perfectionist - obviously he played it well, 
and wants some pointers because he knows he can do better.  You should all be 
more supportive of a future musician.  If I had gotten comments like these when 
 starting out, I probably would have changed my mind.
Hang in there, William.  We aren't all so nasty.

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