Boy, you had it easy. The music direcector where I went to school did all that
(except Tonette) PLUS footbal marching band before school, high school
orchestra during 3rd period, and chorus at noon. In spite of that he inspired
me to love music and to play the horn.

Of course that was in the days when I had to walk 5 miles to school in 5 feet
of snow uphill both ways. But seriously, he did all that, and I had a ball
doing all of that.

Herb Foster
--- Paul Mansur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 20, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Steve Freides wrote:
> >
> > How on earth can you teach someone to play an instrument in an ensemble
> > setting?  Seems impossible to me.
> >
> >
> Simple.  You begin with 20 or 30 kids and get a good Band Instrument 
> Method.  That's how I got my start, and the way most of us began in 
> what is known as instrumental music education in this country.  That's 
> also how I started my students when I was a public school band 
> director.  There was no other choice.  My schedule included daily 
> classes of two elementary school beginning bands, an intermediate 
> elementary school band, a junior high beginning band, a junior high 
> advanced band, a high school band, and two pre-band Tonette classes for 
> fourth graders.  I coached solos, ensembles, et al plus a pep band for 
> basketball games before and after school and at night.  After six years 
> of this with about 250 to 300 students daily I gave up and went back to 
> school to get a terminal degree, (the union card for college 
> employment) and found an easier way to make a living.  For one thing 
> positive, if you do it right you learn a LOT about ALL the wind and 
> percussion instruments.  Those who also had to teach an orchestra had 
> to also get quite familiar with the strings.
>       They're mostly out of print, now, but there were some good Beginning 
> books 50 years ago.  "Easy Steps To The Band" comes to mind.  It 
> contained much very practical material and was about as effective as it 
> was possible for a band method to be.  I always had some fine ensembles 
> and a handful of All-State players every year.  Boy!  Talk about Work!  
> That was WORK!
> CORdially,  Mansur's Answers
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