
I'm with Bill and others.  Get the surgery done (and done correctly,
sounds your oral surgeon is giving you good service), get a note from
him/her with specific instructions, and then go to college knowing that
you may not be at your best but you will have 3 years to recover from
the first one.

Remember also that you are going to be at the bottom of the heap
in college.  You may be thrown in over your head at first, so let the
older students take the lead and learn from them.  After being the top
dog in my region all during high school my first year in college was
an amazing learning experience.  I was placed on 2nd horn in the
orchestra, a role I had never filled before (I had only been playing in
an orchestra for a year before this), and I spent the entire year
struggling to keep up with the other 3 who were much more experienced.
And I got stuff thrown at me that made my teacher nervous, let alone
someone with no low register who was playing Beethoven 7.

Take it easy, rebuild, learn, and remember its only 1 year of four.
Have fun, find your place, and find your lip.  And work with your new
teacher to rebuild.  In fact, call the college and ask how you can contact
him/her now so you can begin discussing your problem.


At 09:41 AM 8/17/2005, Bill Gross wrote:
Nothing more than some philosophical thoughts.  If things don't go as well
as you desire during the auditions this is your first year of college.
You'll have three more to go.  You'll have time to recover in the long run.

(original post)
On Thursday morning I will be undergoing my wisdom teeth extraction.  All
four will be removed (they are currently impacted).  I have a very thin jaw
which has lead my oral surgeon to schedule my surgery in a hospital instead
of his office because of the very slight risk of it breaking.  I will be
starting college pursuing horn performance in September and have seating
auditions for the year on the 19th.  I've been told that I cannot play for
2-3 weeks post -surgery, so that leaves about 2 weeks to get back in shape
before the audition.  Could anyone give me some advice on the best way to do

so?  and any tips for recovery would be nice too, as I'm somewhat nervous!

Margaret Dikel
JCCSO Librarian / Horn / Webmaster
11218 Ashley Drive, Rockville MD 20852

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