Google "timo esser generator". Hit # 1 is a downloadable shareware tone generator ("Test Tone Generator 4.0") that you can use to experiment with. It can generate two tones simultaneously. You can change either tone by note or by frequency. You can hear what happens when you change a 5th one cycle per second (cent) at a time. Much educational fun.

You won't hear beats from an out-of-tune 5th because the difference in frequency between the notes may be several hundred cps, depending on which two notes you set. If you set the two frequencies only a few cps from each other, you sure will. But, experience it for yourself.

For continuous tone production, check the Loop box on the top. OFF/ON are on the bottom right. You get 30 days for free.

        {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
        { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                 { Ann Arbor Michigan }
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