May I please make a request, especially on behalf of digest subscribers, that posters please edit their replies to the list to quote only relevant text (without taking anything out of context) and remove all extraneous headers and footers?

I just received a post with 6 footers and 5 headers; each reply was at the top of the previous message and contained the entire thread. That's hard enough to deal with when receiving individual messages, but darn near impossible to decipher for digest subscribers, which is more than half of the list. When the entire thread is quoted in a reply, the digest ends up being mostly duplication and extremely difficult to read.

I don't wish to start an argument about top- vs bottom-quoting* (though I will state my strong preference for the latter, since a thread then reads in logical order), but I would ask that at the least, multiple headers and footers be deleted before hitting the send button.



* - see or for a couple of rants with which I agree :-)
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