Dear List,
I am testing my hypothesis that I can get my homework turned in (ha ha). The assignment is to take a sample space of fifty (in my case, horn players) the example was to take 50 small bags of M&Ms and count the number of a certain color in each bag. Or, we could poll a group of fifty people, asking a question with a number for the answer. From there, we measure the central tendency, make a frequency distribution table, pie graph, find variance, standard deviation and then find the intervals of 1,2,3 of the standard deviation. I appreciate the questions that you have for me, they are very similar to those the teacher gave the class to apply to this assignment. I am not really testing any hypothesis, however. The interpretation of the data will not be anything other than "this is approximately how much the average horn player practices." Also, now that I think about it, the title of "serious horn player" was a very poor choice of words. I think that anyone on this list is serious enough to pay attention to the horn world outside of playing is a serious horn person. Some of the people who have sent me results manage to find the time to play, have a life, and have a job all at the same time. I think that that signifies a person who is serious about horn.

William Foss
Paul Ingraham's advice to young horn players:
Find a good teacher. Practice diligently. Watch what you say to your colleagues.

I hate to pester, but I'll take this announcement to repost my earlier question, as I think it is even more applicable now that responses are requested from such a wide variety of people:

>Though I am sure there are greater experts than I out on the list, I'll
>do my duty as a doctoral student in a research program (meaning, I've
>suffered my share of statistics courses) and ask you, William, about
>what exactly you have in mind for your survey. What hypotheses are you
>testing with the survey? Is there anything in particular you are trying to
>demonstrate or support with the info you gather? Is it just the one
>question regarding hours of practice? What types of analyses are you
>considering running? Are you just going to do some descriptive analyses and wanted some >fun data, or are there any questions you are trying to answer?
>Knowing the answers to these questions will do wonders for clarifying
>your potential respondent pool and the phrasing in your survey, and will
>also help other list members give you the best data you can get. Best
>of luck, keep us updated!

Erin Block
Grad. Student, I/O Psychology
St. Louis, MO

William Foss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear List
I am in desperate need of more responses! I think that I will now open the
survey to include anyone. No matter how much you practice please contact me
privately or on-list as soon as is possible and give me a rough estimation
of how many hours you practice on a weekly basis, if it isn't too much

Thank you
William Foss

Paul Ingraham's advice to young horn players:
Find a good teacher. Practice diligently. Watch what you say to your

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