This sounds too familiar.  It is too bad that pep band is a requirement,
and your director is probably succumbing to the pressure of providing
entertainment in order to justify the program.  I see this all too
often.  I don't want to jump to any conclusions here, as he/she might
actually think music for sports is important.

Nevertheless, having been one of those kids who could quickly pick up an
instrument and play up to the level of the rest of the students, and
consequently having been "used" where needed, I can relate to your
predicament.  My solution (strongly supported by my family, many of whom
were professional musicians) was to quit the music program at my school.
It was an unfortunate solution, but necessary to my musical growth.  My
poor director was in a similar pickle, in that he HAD to have a sports
band, and the administrators at my school thought any other ensemble was
superfluous.  I hated to abandon him, but I had no choice.  Eventually,
I was able to serve as a "ringer" when he needed me for a real concert,
which I never refused to do.  You MUST do whatever is necessary to give
yourself a fair shot at the college music scene.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Fred Baucom
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:59 PM
To: The Horn List
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] time management

You seem to be an fairly intelligent individual, so I am sure that it
has occurred to you to approach your school conductor and explain you
situation to him/her.  If this person is worth anything, and they
believe you have a musical future, they will go out of their way to do
what they can for you, perhaps even including excusing you from pep band
occasionally.  Failing that, you still have the two weeks at the school
holidays to work intensively on the audition material.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shannon Midbrod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] time management

> Well, I'd like to say that pep band isn't required but there's only
> 25 people in my entire band.  (Band really isn't the "cool" thing to
do at 
> my school for most people but screw them...)  Most of them are also in

> sports which leaves about 10-15 of us for pep band, usually including 
> teachers that we end up recruiting.  Pep band is a requirement for us
> amounts up to a big part of our grade.  I also know how to play
> (which I'm actually refusing to play anymore, I'm not risking my 
> embrochure by playing high C's on trumpet ever again!), euphonium,
> saxophone, and trombone so my band director has come to somewhat rely
> me to "help out" where help's needed.  So pep band is actually
somewhat of 
> a priority for me, whether I like it or not.
>  Shannon
> Fred Baucom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi Shannon,
> Sounds like some thinking about relative priorities is in order. Pep
> sticks out for me in your list of activities. I used to play pep band
> in high school, but it was a fun thing, not a necessity. Assume this
> the
> same for you? Preparing for college auditions would seem to be of more
> importance. Also, try to get all of your college app stuff done asap,
> perhaps on a weekend day. You'll feel less stressed if you can put
> one-time activities behind you. Good luck!
> Fred
> On 12/6/05, Shannon Midbrod
> wrote:
>> Hello all~
>> I could really use some advice. I'm a high school senior who is busy
>> working after school 4-5 days a week, driving and hour and a half
>> way
>> to youth symphony rehearsal once a week, trying to get all my college
>> application stuff finished up, finishing mountains of homework, and 
>> usually
>> going to pep band on the few days I don't have to work or rehersals.
>> desperate to get in more practice time on the horn but I'm not
>> home
>> at night until around 11:00 and already I'm feeling very
>> otherwise I'd just practice in the garage so I don't wake the whole
>> up. I used to get in at least two hours a day on the horn at home but
>> it's virtually impossible and I really don't have any free time at
>> either. I'm considering just quitting my job but I need the money to
>> off my new horn. What have you guys done to get by when it seems like

>> you're
>> tied up every second of the day? I'm getting nervous, as college 
>> auditions
>> are coming up soon and I
>> 'm
>> literally losing sleep worrying about how the heck I'm going to pull
>> everything off. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!
>> Shannon Midbrod
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