"Longhorn" Lenny of Laredo connjuncts:

I wish  to congratulate you on the founding of Clamsaa, a noble concept.
Perhaps  you would consider moving the holiday to some less congested part of
the  year.  My first thought would be Sept. 1st of each year.  That is  the
date of the "ultimate clam" by one of the world's great horn  players.
Now, Leonard, I am the mostestest of appreciations having that you have  made 
the recognizations of the many importances and nobilities (and  please don't 
forgettings or ignorings be making of the ignobilities, either) of  this 
holiday and that perhaps we do all need the break from holidays at this  
time of year and that we are probably maybe too many conncurrent  
celebrations to keep the conncentrated trackings of so, yes, Sept. 1st is a  
nice day to 
perhaps have "International Triumph 2 Clam Day" and we will  need other days 
for "Clamdependance Day" and "Clamorial Day" and  "Clamident's Day" and don't 
make the forgetings of our astronomical  days in the universal calender of the 
solar system,   the "Winter Clamstice" and the "Spring Claminox" and we also  
need to have "Clamoween" and please don't make the forgetings  of 
"Clamsgiving" but now, I am having the thinkings that we  really should be 
making EVERY 
day a part of CLAMSAA, since we all do this every  day, without failings, and 
that way, we will have more holidays than  everyone else on the planet put 
together and I am  really, really thinking that the "ultimate clam" is probably 
the  "clam to end all clams" so perhaps making the "penultimate clam" would  
at least give us some hope as then there would only one more clam  making 
comings after that one but I am still having the wonderings of  what this 
clam" is: the hows, whens, whats, wheres, whos, whys,  and lotsa "you knows" 
about it so please be advisings making here, if you could  be so kind and my 
many thankings in advances to you very much be having and  please be giving all 
details as I am now "Brain Dead" on this subject.

Could you give us tips on how to observe this  holiday?
Now, I don't make the slightestest of thinkings that any of you  need tips 
from me on how to clam, and I do take my role as your leader in  this endeavor 
with the mostest of seriousnesses and enlightenments, so I will do  this, since 
obviously you are all by now in a clamor over this, as you  certainly, 
probably maybe do need to know the explanations of what  the clams you are 
are, exactly in details, so I will make  the sendings of a copy of my famous 
"Lexicon of Clamology" to these  lists as soon as I can make the findings of it 
as I have just recently  moved my many possessionssesses from Exit 2, NJ to Bad 
Corner, NH, as my  parole officer moved and I, of course, had to move along 
with him, and so  I still am having difficulties even finding my Kopprasch Book 
1 in the  many boxes, trunks and U-Hauls and I-Hauls but here is a start, 
right off  the top of my head: so, go get out your Kopprasch Book 1 (if it's 
already on your stand), and make the openings of the pages to No.  1 (if it's 
not already turned to there), and start practicing it nice and slow,  about 
mm 60 to the quarter note, using the F side, ONLY, and if you don't  clam, 
really, really, really good, from either above or below a note, we're  talking 
about a good "schpleah" or "schplooee" at some point before  you get to the 
bottom of the page, then my name isn't Prof. Ignaz Manfred  Gestopftmitscheist 
you are a liar, a cheat and a thief, if not all of  those at once, and maybe 
even a politician or a conductor or even  a two or three or four letter acronym 
and please remember  that CLAMSAA is a celebration of what we all do and love 
best and that it comes  naturally, is nothing to be ashamed of or about, and 
should be done in  public, as often as possible, and with great pride and no 
excuses, and this is a  "No-Brainer!"
Kindestest of Seasonings Greetonings and Mostest of Bivalvulations,
Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist
Principal 8th horn and Principal  4th Wagner Tuber,  Schplittenotendorf am 
Oedland Staatsoper und  Philharmoniker, (ret.)
Solo  Horn, Bad Corner Brass Quintet
Hornist,  Broken Winds WW  Quintet
Solo 4th Horn (Leader, call me for bookings),  Smirnoff Horn  Quartet
Assistant Associate Principal Mellophone, NJ  Turnpike Authority Drum  and 
Bugle Corps, "The Phantom Lane Changers"  (summer only)
Hornist as Needed,  L'Ensemble du Chambre des  Palourdes
Principal Natural Horn, I Soloisti di  Feces
Principal  Baroque and Hunting Horn, Camarata Vongoleforte
Adjunct,  Part-time,  Arms-length Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2 
Community   College, Exit 2, NJ (Ret.)
Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of  Horn,  Pest Control and Home 
Petroleum Studies, Northern New Hampshire  Technical  Institute, Bad Corner, 
Author, "The Kopprasch Connection,"  "Kopprasch for  Fun and Profit," 
"Kopprasch for the New Millenium:  Where Do you Fit In?" "Hooked  on 
Hornonics," and 
"What If Saddam Had  Given Ouday and Qusay Olds Ambassador or  Conn Pan 
Single F  Horns and a Kopprasch Book Instead of AK 47's, Booze  and Porn?"  
Founder, Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the  Study,  Preservation 
and Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar   System
Founder and Guru Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous
Grand  Poobah  of the Koppraschian Kult
Director and Program Manager, The All  Kopprasch  Channel (AKC), Kopprasch 
Public Radio (KPR)
Host of The  Kopprasch Factor on  AKC and All Kopprasch Considered on KPR
Founder of  Kopprasch Depot, your one  stop shop for all you need!
Owner-Operator,  Bad Corner Petroleum Laboratory,  " The Worlds Largest Valve 
Oil  Factory"
Interplanetarily Known Soloist and  Artist of  Record
Exclusive Bundy, Carl Fischer, Olds Ambassador, Sansone and  Conn  Artist Who 
Does Not Get His Horns For Free
Phone: yes
Fax:   yes
E-mail: yes
Website: no

"Let's put the K back in  Xopprasch!"
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