It's nice to have my profile finally given credit on this list, but you missed my flat-top, brush cut hairdo, bag of deep-fried pork rinds in my horn case, and pencil clip fashioned from a '66 Chevy pickup radiator hose clamp. I'm still waiting for the IHS "Official" line of softball clothes, including ball caps, straw cowboy hats, Kruspe-style belt buckles and wallets complete with anti-theft chains...
Best regards, (L.O.L!)
Martin Bender
P.S. Nothing beats a radiator cap for a stopping mute when you forgot yours back at the trailer park.
On 23-Apr-06, at 1:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now, Ray and others have been making references to their familiar
cousinries, so I am now thinking a reprising of this is in the orderings:


Your horn teacher's name is  "Bubba."

You have a 1956 Pan American single F that has valves that work and 14 old
Elkhart Conn 8D's with valves that don't.

You have slide  grease under your toenails.

You regularly answer the question "what have you been doing lately?" with
"trying to learn how to count more than 10 bars  rest."

Your mother gets in fistfights at your high school band  concerts.

You have a Conn 8D or Holton 179 bell for a hood ornament instead of a Mack
Truck bulldog or Harley Davidson eagle.

You think an  IHS Workshop is a good place to meet women/men.

You have completely taken apart your horn and greased and oiled it on your
living room floor rug and not  put down a newspaper or drop cloth.

Your horn case is full of empty beer  cans.

You think Kopprasch is German for "White Trash."

You don't understand why there's no Kruspes between the Cheetos and the Beer
Nuts at the grocery store.

You use a styrofoam cooler for a gig  bag.

You call your horn teacher "Dude."

You yell "Give the drummer  some!" at symphony concerts.

Your horn is an old, beat up Olds Ambassador, Conn 6D or Reynolds Pottag
model held together with chicken wire and duct tape.

You think Mason  Jones played pedal steel with Reba MacIntyre.

You use a beer bottle for a  mute.

You think "Schmidt" is what your dog does in the  backyard.

You think Dennis Brain won at Daytona in '57.

You think  a "leadpipe" is part of a male's anatomy.

You think Jimmy Stagliano was a  character in "The Godfather."

You consider the "Horn Call" deep  reading.

You ever started a petition to change the National Anthem to "The Klaxon."

You think Kling is what Monica did with Bill.

Your kids are going hungry because you "just HAD to have that Lawson."

You  have a laminated picture of Prof. Hans Pizka on your headboard.

You think Barry Tuckwell holds the major league record for stolen bases.

You have a  stop mute hanging from your rear view mirror.

You think they sell Holtons  at WalMart.

You think a Merker-Matic is a dirt bike.

You think  Gestopft means a medical condition that requires ExLax.

Your Father goes up to the kid who beat you out at All-State band tryouts and says "I'm gonna take a switch to your behind if you beat my kid again next

You honest-to-god think women are turned on by hearing you play the "long

You are turned on by hearing guys play the "long  call."

You think a mellophone is cellular or something like  that.

You've ever had sex to the sound track of "Titanic."

You keep looking for dentures on eBay because your "high notes just ain't
what they use to be."

You've ever written in Dale Clevenger's name on a presidential ballot.

Your mother thinks Kopprasch is your boyfriend's  name.

You think "cadenza" is a fancy name for an outhouse.

You  think R. Strauss manufactures blue jeans.

You think Hermann Baumann played the role of Colonel Klink on "Hogan's

You've ever been fired from a gig because of your personal appearance.

You consider a six pack of beer and a recording of the Nutcracker "quality

You own more than 12 ties with horns on them.

Your neighbors make you leave the trailer park when you want to practice.

You think Gallay is that wine in those big gallon jugs at the liquor store.

Someone asks you what kind of horn you own and you reply  "French."

You paid less for your pickup truck than you did for your  horn.

You think Maxime-Alphonse is an exotic dancer down at "The Gentlemen's Club."

You have 10 dogs all named "Till."

You think  Jimmy Chambers was the drummer in the band on "HeeHaw."

Your mom's been cooking with valve oil ever since she ran out of Crisco.

You have ever  been blacklisted from a music store.

You think "Siegfried" is half of a  Vegas act.

You think heaven looks a lot like the Conn factory.

You  warm up using the theme from "Dallas."

Your mouthpiece is reduced 10  drill sizes by the built up crud in it.

You have an STP sticker on your  mute.

You think Verne Reynolds was the star of "Deliverance" and "Smokey and the

You can play a high C with a toothpick in your  mouth.

You have ever worn a tank top to a gig.

You think Phil  Farkas played center for the Razorbacks.

The horn list limits you to one  post a day.

You use a color coordinated clothes line to keep your horn  case shut.

The other students at all-state tryouts call you  "Porky."

You bring your dog with you to gigs.

You refer to your  colleagues in the horn section as "my buds."

You think "embouchure" is a  sauce in a Cajun restaurant.

Your horn smells like chewing  tobacco.

You believe everything you read on the horn list.

You  have a tattoo that reads "Kopprasch" but it's spelled wrong.

             Copywrong, 1999, revised 2006, Prof. I.M.G.

Kindest of Greetonings and Mostestest of Geneologicals,

Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist
Principal 8th horn and Principal 4th Wagner Tuber, Schplittenotendorf am
Oedland Staatsoper und Philharmoniker, (ret.)
Solo  Horn, Bad Corner Brass Quintet
Hornist, Broken Winds WW  Quintet
Solo 4th Horn (Leader, call me for bookings), Smirnoff Horn  Quartet
Assistant Associate Principal Mellophone, NJ Turnpike Authority Drum and
Bugle Corps, "The Phantom Lane Changers" (summer only)
Hornist as Needed,  L'Ensemble du Chambre des Palourdes
Principal Natural Horn, I Soloisti di  Feces
Principal Baroque and Hunting Horn, Camarata Vongoleforte
Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2
Community  College, Exit 2, NJ (Ret.)
Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn, Pest Control and Home Petroleum Studies, Northern New Hampshire Technical Institute, Bad Corner, NH
Author, "The Kopprasch Connection," "Kopprasch for  Fun and Profit,"
"Kopprasch for the New Millenium: Where Do you Fit In?" "Hooked on Hornonics," "What If Saddam Had Given Ouday and Qusay Olds Ambassador or Conn Pan American Single F Horns and a Kopprasch Book Instead of AK 47's, Booze and Porn?" "The DaVinci Clam: Is Kopprasch Really and Ancient, Secret Conspiracy to Get Players to Perform the Right Notes, The Right Rhythm and the Right Dynamics in Tune?" Founder, Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the Study, Preservation
and  Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar System
Founder and Guru  Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous
Grand Poobah of the Koppraschian  Kult
Director and Program Manager, The All Kopprasch Channel (AKC), Kopprasch
Public Radio (KPR)
Host of The Kopprasch Factor on AKC and All Kopprasch Considered on KPR
Founder of Kopprasch Depot, your one stop shop for all you  need!
Owner-Operator, Bad Corner Petroleum Laboratory, " The Worlds Largest Valve
Oil Factory"
Founder and Disseminator of CLAMSAA, the Universal Holiday for Horn Players
Interplanetarily Known Soloist and Artist of  Record
Exclusive Bundy, Carl Fischer, Olds Ambassador, Sansone and Conn Artist Who
Does Not Get His Horns For Free
Phone: yes
Fax: yes
E-mail:  yes
Website: yes

"To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to  Kopprasch."

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