message: 17
date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 01:10:13 -0700 (PDT)
from: Larry Jellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] Re:...a quick question about cleaning

My mother used to wrap my school lunch sandwiches in
wax paper.  This was before the availability of
plastic wrap or baggies.  My wife buys the stuff for
use in the kitchen.

Buy it?
My mum recycled the bags out of the cornflakes boxes. Before your time maybe?

Simple Simon

PS (NHR) Thank you, Lawrence. Your imagery conjures the word "IZAL" from the depths of my failing memory, but I don't think it was greaseproof. It certainly wasn't much good for what it was intended for either, except in that one used as little as possible, an essential factor in supplies for public facilities. My mum assured me that they only got 3 squares a time during the war: one up, one down and one polish!

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