Most conductors of amateur groups stop everytime they want to make a single 

Recently had a most pleasant experience in this regard. I'm in the US,
and we had a Russian guest conductor who knew about 20-words of
English, and these he used most sparingly. I was wiped out after each
rehearsal because he wasted no time with Pontification. He painted
quick word pictures, waited to see if "the lights were on," and then
we were off and running again. That's how I like it. I gave serious
thought to stealing his passport & visa so he couldn't leave and
couldn't complain to the police about it. (I have the occasional
devious thought, but am not known to act upon them, except towards my
stand neighbor who tunes with hand-out-of-the-bell. For that one, I'm
thinking "sugar in the valve oil.")

All the instruments were referred to by their German names, and if you
didn't know the German name for your instrument, you didn't need to be
there. (happy ending; It appeared everyone knew at least the one
German word)

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