Dear friends from the amateur league,

You have no idea about what happen during rehearsals at high
professional level, absolute no idea, sorry. 

Even with the greatest & world famous maestros (Sawallisch,
Mehta, Muti, Masur, Boehm, etc.) we just played half a
movement & started plucking it to pieces. They stop if the
balance is not right, if the expression is not what they
expected or wanted, for certain accent markings, dots, fp,
sfz, how strong or how soft they wanted it ever. O.k. next
sixty measures (or not) & the same procedure & forward
again. So to make two movements the first rehearsal &
playing these streight once (perhaps) & if they are not long
as a Bruckner Adagio movement. We get them to play again in
the public dress rehearsal, but even then they will
interrupt if something must be fixed (or not). This "or not"
is very important, as even these calibres are happy, if we
put all together during the concert. But this first concert
is compareable to a seat in a formula One car & driving at
the course of Nuerburg or Spa. Often these conductors seem
to have rehearsed another piece than they conduct at the
concert - and the orchestra has to fix that instantly
WITHOUT any complain. We are paid for it. 

But admitted, the maestros are overpaid in a really sick
manner. If their fee goes into 50.000 or up to 100.000 USD,
not per month or year, but per CONCERT, per EVENING, plus
all the extras 1st class flight, 1st class *****
accomodation & all bills paid & a luxury car with driver at
disposition (the maestros above did not use it, nor were
their fees in this region except one of them, but he drives
by himself), this is more than sick. Many of them are made
up stars (none of the gentlemen mentioned), special these
2nd or 3rd or 4rth class made up stars, not capable playing
a single instrument not even the piano. These are the worst,
but you can fool them more easily. And they fall into the
traps, but without any effect. And they can be dangerous,
very intrigant & dangerous.

That picking on the musicians is necessary to achieve a high
class result. But , as we say "the tone makes the music", it
all depends how these maestros do it. I know some of them,
who show their great respect for the corporation (orchestra)
even by how they are dressed at the rehearsal. They are very
demanding, but never insulting, never blaming single
players. They have great respect for the integrity of every
player. They never "step on your cock" (slang). An this is
very pleasing. We do all for the success with them together.

But there are also some self made tyrrants, whom we let fire
up to the last shot, - and do all with passive resistance,
means playing everything correct, but correct only. The
audience will understand that & these maestros will never
come back again.

But, sorry, this is not your business at amateur or even
very advanced amateur level, where a greater part of the
musician is still "on fight" with their instrument or with
the music. Here you have not to take every correction by the
"commander" (conductor, concertmaster, leader of the
section) as a personal insult. They give their best to fix a
good performance together & you should better follow them,
instead putting every word on the "gold wages". As said by
other before, music is not the place for democracy. It is a
place of leadership & teamwork.

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