Bill Gross wrote:
One annoying bit that a conductor of a local band I
participate in is that we never play a piece through
from beginning to end after the first reading.  We'll
wait until a performance to do that again.

There is a community orchestra conductor in Sacramento
that does the same thing.

By the way, why is the last rehearsal called a "dress
rehearsal"?  Neither do we "dress" nor do we even play
the pieces all the way through without stopping.  I'm
suspicious that conductors are compulsive about not
playing pieces all the way through without stopping,
as if they would lose control of the ensemble by doing

Now in my new location (not Sacramento), I have a
conductor that asked us to play a passage "with a
poker face", so that we don't give the audience hints
about what is to come. (No, we weren't playing the

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