How about this one?  It's rather old, but some may enjoy.....

This IS the SYMPhony...that SCHUbert wrote and never FINished.....

There is also one about Mozart 40 but I cannot recall it.  When I do, you shall 
know about it.

Moreover; if one wishes to make a really funny joke on a conductor during dress 
rehearsal; simply substitute (you figure it out) (other opening lines from a 
real classical work) for the horn opening in Mahler 3.  It is so close that it 
is truly funny and we plan upon doing it again next year.

Also playing Bruckner 9 a step down goes over well in a dress rehearsal.

So does playing Mozart 40 up a step for the entire rehearsal.  Now THIS was a 
fluke because although the entire orchestra noticed; the conductor (a tone-deaf 
sub) apparently did not notice or if he did, did not react.

Afterwards, this fellow comes up to me and says "Rachel, is there a PROBLEM 
with the horns".  "Oh NO Maestro" I reply  "It is a VERY difficult work".  He 
went away and said no more.  I am not certain we will do that particular joke 

However the funniest prank the horns played on a conductor was the time we did 
Bruckner 8.  The dress was on Halloween, so beforehand, each horn chair (in the 
back on top risers) had a black helium balloon attached.  Each hornist wore a 
party hat.  When the conductor entered (typical snotty swaggering British 
fellow), upon the 1st hornist's signal, the 8 horns stood up as a group and 
blew those little party-whistles; upon hearing this, the conductor turned to 
the horns and arrogantly flipped the green wig he was wearing for the occasion 
in our direction......

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