In a message dated 5/16/06 2:31:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Now the finals which are not screened; 
Some orchestras have screened finals most notably the MET.
> But this is what I know about auditions from experience (anyone feel free to 
> correct me if I am wrong about anything here):
> 1) Major orchestras will usually not accept auditions without major
> metropolitan orchestra experience.  Sometimes they will take a tape but who 
> knows if they even listen to it.
NY Philharmonic and Chicago Symphony listen to everyone that applies. 

> 2) If a hornist misses a note; that's all she wrote; he/she is out of the 
> game.
Actually I have the opposite experience and have missed a note or 2 and been 

> 4) Yes, some of the proctors have been known to 'rat out' whomever is 
> auditioning to the judges in order that the 'preferred' hornists are selected 
> for 
> the finals. PM's are normally part of management these days and have no 
> interest in getting a favorite a spot.

> 5) Unless you have an inside connection with a hornist in the section; you 
> are not going to know a) what kind of horn they want b) what kind of sound 
> they want c) whatever else they how are you supposed to make it 
> up?  
> Play like the angels I suppose.....
Sorry, that is just wrong several notable orchestras have hired players 
recently where the horn the winning candidate play was not used in the section. 
could go on about this but several orchestras in the past have specified horns 
acceptable and hired folks playing different instruments then specified.

> 6)  The finals.  The big one.  Well it's a crap shoot; really. 
That is a true statement.
>  If one plays
> beyond the expectations of the archangels, well there is a chance that the 
> bored-beyond-belief conductor might notice. 
> Sorry conductors have not listened to the 200 or so people along the way they 
are just in to listen to the last 8 or so ... they have not had a chance to 
get bored yet.

>  Maybe even the horn section may notice if they haven't already selected 
> their 'favorite' for the spot.  However, in most cases, the hornist has been 
> already pre-selected and in these cases, it's a waste of everyone's time.  If 
> a 
> major orchestra is going to do that, then DO it and stop wasting all of our 
> time......
Sorry I whole heartily disagree with that.
> And then there was the amazing hornist who won every audition he went to; 
> every one; but for some reason he was tossed out of each section after only 2 
> weeks there.  I have no idea why.  I understand this gentleman now enjoys a 
> seat in a major symphony; well done!
I could go on about collegiality, about blending with and following other 
section leaders and matching intonation with the WW's and matching volume. Not 
everyone fits into every section.
> And, to finish, there are 'personality' requirements; now how does one  
> behave in a new section?  Well, I would expect with total respect for the 
> other 
> members and follow the leader, be it the principal horn or the 
> conductor...and 
> sometimes when both are at odds; this is difficult to select between.  WHO 
> do you follow when the 1st horn and the conductor disagree??  This is the 
> impossible question as far as I am concerned.  However, it is not uncommon 
> for a 
> horn section to develop a dislike for a new member for no reason whatsoever 
> and therefore have him/her tossed after the requisite probation period.  And 
> if they LIKE the person; I guess that is good luck or whatever.  Who knows? 
If I am going to sit next to some guy for the next 25 years it is reasonable 
o expect a certain amount of civility.

Rachel, Sorry you have had bad experiences in auditions the cynicism and 
rancor under cut the positive comments you make to the list. 

Debbie Schmidt
Tisch center for the Arts


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