Dear Rachel, therre is just one single spot in the no.8
Bruckner symphony where the quick change, the two measures
(117/118) rest for the 1st Bb-tuba to change to the horn
no.5 fot just 8 measures. All the other changes are very
easy & within 13 measures rests or more. Movement 2 has just
horns, while movement three employes just the Wagnertubas -
all speaking about the second quartet. Yeah, there is a
short switch within measures 45 to 48 in the last movement,
but also for tuba 1 only, the bass tubas have rests from
measure 40 to 48, while horn 6 has nothing between measure
45 & 99.

How to solve the quick rest in the first movement ? There
are two possibilities:

The orchestra MUST provide decent stands for the wagnertuba
& the horn. First rest measure tuba down & gripping the
horn, 2nd rest measure get the horn into position.

Or, play the following eight measures on the tuba also &
switch later. This is done when there is no place enough to
place the two stands practically. If the best orchestras can
do that, why not on provincial level. If the conductor
complains, ask him to demonstrate it to you how it should

I will come back once more.

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