
I believe that the answer depends on major two factors:one is tone quality
and the other is the ease of playing on the other sides of the horn , the Bb
and F.As far as tone quality goes , I like the high Eb better.I think that
the tone color is pretty similar to Bb. As for ease of production - it
depends on the way you would like to use the instrument - some play the Eb
horn from middle space C. some are determined to pool the Eb trigger only
after top space G .
it also depends what are you going to play with this instrument . only
orchestral ? chamber music? solo ?
At the near past , triple horn could have been seen only in as orchestra ,
preferably a big one . times have changed - E . schmid , R . kuehn are only
two of several horn manufacturers who try to "upgrade " the triple horn to
an all purpose horn .  I will not be amazed if , in the near future , an
interchangeable Hi F  -  Hi Eb triple horn will appear.As a matter a fact ,
at least two manufacturers are working on this Idea now .
Alon Reuven
post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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