
It is time to find a new straight mute. While working in the low register with my old Aulos, I discovered a bad note that just didn't sound. Trying a similarly shaped Trumcor yielded a similar result. I can guess that a full cone Rittich style Trumcor or other make would not have the same issue.

I have tried a mute by Dick Lang and was impressed but have not found a web presence yet.

I will also consider other makers, including Kowalchuk, Balu, Engemann, Denis Wick, etc.

So... Any advice on:

If I tried one mute by a maker and liked it, is that good enough to just trust mail-order for my own, or do I need to try the specific mute before purchase?

Are there makers who will let you try before you buy?

Where can I find a Dick Lang mute?



Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

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