A perusal of any Tchaikowsky score will reveal dynamics ranging from
ppppp to FFFFF.  Unfortunately, novices and careless players will
relish the thought of playing very strongly, to the point of making
crass, unmusical sounds.

Tchaikowsky uses dynamics differently than many other composers. 
Sometimes his strongest volume indications designate those sections of
high impact and musical importance, rather than sheer volume.  Also, a
glance at the score will find dynamics univerally applied to all voices
(at least many times) in tutti sections.  However, for all instruments
to play these tremendously loud, or soft, dynamics misses the point.

In any ensemble, dynamics are relative.  A competent musician will
listen carefully (or do score study) to always know who has the melody.
 For instance, if the strings or winds have the melody and the brass
have sustained notes or repeated rhythmic patters, these subsidiary
parts must be adjusted in volume so that important lines are clearly
defined.  I have heard countless public school and university ensembles
that exhibit poor balance because of the lack of critical listening. 
Tchaikowsky and Schumann are especially problematic with ensemble
balance and clarity.  Performers should always try to 'voice'
themselves within the ensemble.  Not all dynamics are created equal. 
While a FFF may be written, in actuality the true performed dynamic may
be only mezzo-forte.

Thus, all players should guard against overbalancing in ensembles. 
Especially when louder dynamics are indicated.  As folks in Kentucky
say, 'everything is relative.'*

*No flames please.  I grew up in KY!


Dr. Eldon Matlick,  Horn Professor, University of Oklahoma
Principal Hornist, OK City Philharmonic
500 W Boyd 
Norman, OK  73019
(405) 325-4093 off. (405) 325-7574 fax
Conn-Selmer Educational Artist

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