Hi all

As a player in the band, Windworx, that accompanied the 4 horn players on
Konzertstuck, I'd just like to say that they sounded amazing! It was great
being a part of the symposium in that way.
I hope everyone who made the long trek down here enjoyed their experience.



message: 8
date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:41:11 -0700 (PDT)
from: John Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] IHS Symposium in Cape Town

A quick double post, cousins, to send greetings from
the International Horn Society's annual symposium,
being held right now in Cape Town, South Africa.

It's been a wonderful meeting.  It's hard to know what
people have enjoyed more--the astonishing playing
we've heard, the terrific masterclasses, hanging out
with other hornists, trying out the horns and Wagner
tuben on exhibit (my vote goes to the 503 currently on
the Alexander table--gorgeous instrument), or
exploring Cape Town.  I suppose we've liked them all
the best.

I have to run off to a session in a few minutes, so I
won't try to mention all the great playing we've
heard.  For instance, yesterday afternoon, Marshall
Sealy, Jeff Snedeker, and Adam Lesnick tore up the
joint in a jazz concert.  Last night, Frank Lloyd,
Lisa Ford, and Bruno Schneider thrilled us with their
sublime performances of Forster,  Mozart, Larsson, and
Haydn.  Never heard of Lisa Ford?  You will.  She's
principal in Gothenburg, and she can play.  Seriously
play.  That's the beauty of these symposium's--you can
be stunned by the playing of someone you've never
encountered before.

I've got to mention, without saying much more, Nancy
Joy's dazzling performance of Daniel McCarthy's "Call
of Boromir" for horn and marimba and Bruno Schneider,
Geoffrey Winter, Frank Lloyd, and Jeff Snedeker's
glorious work in the Konzertstuck.

In any case, I've posted some photos from the
symposium in my gallery:


The first set is from Monday night, when participants
in Jeff Snedeker's jazz masterclass went out to the
long-running jam session at Swinger's, a local club
and played a number with the house band.  Then Jeff
and Marshall Sealy jammed with the band for about an
hour.  Let me tell you folks, they brought down the
house.  Cape Town loved it.

The second set of photos is from a trip that some of
us made on Tuesday to schools in disadvantaged areas.
Some of these student musicians, especially the choir
in the photos, were excellent.  It was good to see the
impact that music can make in helping South Africa to
overcome its terrible history.

The last set is from yesterday afternoon's jazz
concert, with Snedeker, Sealy, and Adam Lesnick.
These cats can swing.

When you go to the gallery, click on the thumbnails to
see a larger image.  There are two pages.  Use the
arrows to get to page 2.

Now I've really, really gotta go.

More later, boys and girls.


J Mason
Charlottesville, Virginia

DEMOCRACY OF SPEED, a Photo Documentary Project:

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End of Horn Digest, Vol 43, Issue 32

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