--- John Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Well it was the Danes who gave us Niels Bohr.

Niels had an equally skilled brother, Aage. But as he "only" was a 
mathematician, he never became
famous outside our borders
> And, even more impressive from my point of view, the
> great NHOP, Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen.

It is NHØP in the original language. NHØP, aka. the Dane with the never ending 
name, was only 1
year older than me. It was a profound shock to me, when he died. As a young 
jazz fan I followed
his career closely. Two of his closest friends have been my teachers in jazz.

One of them, Ole Koch Hansen, was a year older than NHØP and lived in the 
village, where the
father of NHØP ran a private school. NHØP entered his father’s office and 
demanded to be inscribed
into the first grade one year ahead of time, because he would share the table 
with Ole. His father
obliged, took the handwritten protocol, and wrote in NHØP as a student for the 
oncoming school

Young as he was, NHØP still knew, that this was not totally kosher in respect 
of the law. So he
made sure, that his father signed him up in INK. He very much feared, that if 
his father had used
a pencil, then an eraser had been applied as soon he went out of the door.

Another anecdote: Oscar Peterson hired a quite young NHØP for a trio tour. OP 
asked NHØP, if he
knew the songs on the repertory list, which NHØP confirmed to do.

The catch was, that he did not know some special passages in OP’s personalised 
arrangements. He
flunked a unisono run. The same happened the next night. And the next night 
again. So OP summoned
NHØP and asked him, if he wanted to stay on the tour. If that was the case, he 
had to get that run

What OP did not know, was that NHØP every night had placed a portable studio 
under the grand piano
to make himself familiar with the special OP versions. So NHØP pulled out the 
recordings and asked
OP: What do you want tonight? Version #1, #2, or #3?

OP had changed his own playing to bully the young NHØP. Case closed.

While we are at Danes making OP mute:

Jazzhouse Montmartre was run by a funny guy, who knew nothing about music, but 
who certainly was a
shrewd businessman. Before a solo concert there OP had cut his left index 
badly, but insisted on
doing the concert despite the handicap. No musical complaints at all, but the 
owner only would pay
OP 90% of the contract sum. OP went furious, but he could not counter this 

I signed a contract with a 10 fingered piano player, but I only got a 9 
fingered player. Ergo the
salary must be lowered 10%.


Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre,
having problems with avoiding the anecdotes of days bygone

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