message: 6
date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:51:50 +0900
from: Simon Varnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] Re: 1. Re: The Buzzy Buzz video (Wendell Rider)

   1. Re: The Buzzy Buzz video (Wendell Rider)
I was curious about one thing; you appear to lick the mouthpiece
putting it to your lips. Why?
Licking the lips and/or the mouthpiece allows the mouthpiece to
settle into the proper place rather than having it stick in some
random place. Its called a wet embouchure rather than a dry one. I do
recommend it highly but some people do just fine without. The
important thing is to have the same setting each time.
Personally I find that with wet lips I can unwittingly slide off the
sweet spot unless my arms and head are perfectly co-ordinated.
This is why i am making the videos. Embouchure Placement will come soon. Try reading the excerpts from my book on my web site. Your placement shouldn't slip around that easily.

Also, when you take the mouthpiece away from your mouth the pitch of
your buzz drops. Is this relevant?..
Some people use the
analogy of putting your finger on a fret on a guitar string, which
shortens the string and raises the pitch. The mouthpiece does the
same thing on your lips.
It takes energy to hold down the guitar string. Isn't there a similar
"waste" of energy when the mouthpiece limits the vibration of the lip?
Couldn't this lead to excess pressure?

No and no.
I'm glad you liked it. It was completely unscripted

Really? You've obviously explained it many times and thought a lot
about it.

That is true. And your point is?

so I am glad to get the feedback.
OK, here goes.
It could be more concise, and I'd have appreciated more comment on the
difference in tone with the "good and "bad" buzzes you gave. I doubt
I'd be able to convince any of the youngsters I advise that there is a
significant difference, or to show them which one they are using
instead of the "proper" one. More close ups? Side view? Use of a
ring?Repetition? Explanation?
I'm trying to keep these short. This was a video about buzzing, not embouchure placement. That is coming though. Maybe the DVD will have more on some of these subjects. If you have ever made a video you would understand. It eats up a lot of computer power and time to do and can take up a lot of space on the web site.
Also, if you observe closely, the answers to your questions are there.
The best way to "convince" students is to show them the advantages of what you are teaching.

The next one is going to be about taking "a good
breath" and using a couple of breathing devices.

I'd appreciate some help in explaining what proper tonguing is, as many of the youngsters I meet pronounce everything with the lips, as "poo",
and are very good at it! If they used proper tonguing they'd be
brilliant, but when they try my way of tonguing (with the tongue) they
can't control it very well at first, make a coarse attack, and are told
by their school teachers to stop it and go back to the old way!
It sounds like you are in a very strange place. Sorry about that. Maybe you could make a video for me about your issues and have someone demonstrate the "poo" tonguing. I'd like to see that. It would also help me to understand what you are up against and what you are teaching.

Best Wishes,
Wendell Rider
For information about my book, "Real World Horn Playing", the Summer Seminar and Internet Horn Lessons go to my website:

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