In a message dated 11/12/2006 6:18:37 PM Central Standard Time,  

The new  Paxman pipe will not fit a 1980 Model 20, otherwise I would order a 
Paxman  leadpipe.  The problem is that the mouthpiece receiver is so worn that 
 the mouthpiece extends too far into the leadpipe.  Is there a way to  repair 
this condition?

By the way Hans, in American English, you can  even "smell" the results of a 
bad leadpipe.

Luke  Zyla

Hi Luke,
Check to see where the venturi is relative to the 
end of the mpc.  That is more important than how 
far the mpc goes into the receiver.  If the mpc shank  
goes past the venturi, the shank can be replaced 
or otherwise enlarged by the Moose or other mpc 
magician.  Also, I think the receiver can be swaged 
back to the original size by a competent repair person.  
Maybe our repair folks can jump in on that one.
Are you sure that the Paxman folks can't make a 
replacement pipe for your horn?
Regards,     Jerry in Kansas  City
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