Tom, I use a B.E.R.P. to do most of my warming up backstage before concerts. I 
like to do my usual routine of scales and arpeggios and finger the notes (as 
much as feasible) to emulate actual playing. I guess one of the reasons I use 
the B.E.R.P. is to score some "Brownie" points with the string players because 
it's soft. They all really like me now. They all wish all the other brass 
players would warm up on the B.E.R.P..... 

Seriously, there are many other reasons, one being I can't get into a warm-up 
"competition" with anyone else backstage (higher, louder, faster). I usually 
want to save my embouchure for the actual performance. I don't want to waste it 
getting sucked into a "blastfest" session just before the concert.

 Another advantage is other players don't really know if you are missing any 
notes. They really can't tell what note you are playing (nor I for that 
matter!). The true advantages of using the B.E.R.P.  on a daily basis is that 
it can be set for varying amounts of back pressure. There is an adjustable 
plastic sleeve to cover as many holes as one desires. One can cover almost all 
the holes for a lot of back pressure (good for embouchure building) or leave 
all the holes uncovered to work on air speed and air volume. Regardless, this 
device is instrumental for toning my embouchure in ways that cannot be achieved 
otherwise. It's a bit like the cross training serious athletes do. 

I do not play more than 1/2 hour per day on the B.E.R.P. It's for the same 
reasons I never play for more than 1/2 hour on a practice mute, no matter how 
good the quality. The danger here lies in getting stuck with a "small" sound 
that won't carry to the back of the hall. People who only practice in small, 
dry practice rooms face the same dilemma when they get on stage and say"but it 
sounded good in the practice room". Let's face it, nothing can replace good 
solid horn practice (without any encumbrances) in the big hall.

Gerald Onciul
Assistant Principal Horn
Edmonton Symphony
Professor of Horn
University of Alberta
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