
Whoo hoo! Thank you for the calm, reasoned, objective & most of all, COURTEOUS response to this issue which is becoming a bit tedious! Ha ha ha! But, seriously, I'm happy to answer anyone's concerns & questions about my experiences with Smiley & his development system. I'll respond to a few of your remarks below trying to include new information to avoid redundancy.

Steven: For ME, what worked was years of practice using what is fundamentally the Farkas method and correcting my numerous faults in embouchure day by day until my technique was close to as he described.

Val: Bless your heart! I admire your perseverance. Perhaps those years could have been less frustrating had you known what Smiley took many years to figure out as well. He doesn't claim to have the "only way" or an "instant way", just an easier way. But, it still takes work and lots of it. I practice my fanny off nearly every day as I did in my college years so long ago. The difference now is that it's less frustrating & more productive because my embouchure is more efficient. (Not perfect, just better!)

Steven: It is easy to understand the skepticism surrounding Smiley's work, however, as it can appear (as another lister stated earlier) to be a "get rich quick" scheme for brass players.

Val: I can understand it, too, I was once a skeptic myself. I’m SO glad you brought this up. I know that Smiley isn't planning to get rich from the sale of his book. When I first read about Smiley's website, I went to my local music store to buy the book. They didn't have it & couldn't even get it for me. I emailed Smiley and asked why his book wasn't available in my local music store. He answered that he doesn't mass market "The Balanced Embouchure" because he wants to stay as personally involved as possible in the progress of everyone who buys the book. And when I did order the book, he said he was looking forward to "working with me." Now that was a surprise! In other words, he's selling his book to ONE STUDENT AT A TIME and offering follow up help for no charge. Now one may call this "hand holding" or something else, but knowing this, no one can honestly call Smiley a "charleton" with a "get rich quick scheme." I call Smiley a very sincere music teacher passionately interested in the success of his students & his method. With the success that comes from using his method and knowing of his integrity & humility, it's easy to see why those who follow his program are so satisfied AND loyal. [As amazing is is seems, I'm sure someone on this list will find something nasty to say about this, too!]

Steven: I believe that it is very important as both a student and a teacher to be able to examine different points of view and select those that work, and even if this discussion has gotten heated, I (as a usually silent hornlister) am still glad to read it.

Val: Very good point! Thanks for breaking your silence to join the fray! :o) I do appreciate the opportunity to further clarify misconceptions about Jeff Smiley & his work.

Sincerely, Valerie

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