
Thanks for your excellent post clarifying the dating of the Mozart
Concerti.  I do have one question.  Concerning the Allegro fragment in
E-Flat Major (which has been reconstructed in several ways by
Jeurissen, Tuckwell, and Nicholas), do you feel as others that this
dates from around 1781 and could be part of a full concerto consisting
of the Concert Rondo as a finalie.

I believe I read somewhere in my studies that scholars found that the
manuscript paper may have been from the same bundle (watermarks, aging
tests, ink tests).  Or else they were written in close proximity.

I find the melodic line very 'disjunct' as compared to the rest of his
horn writing.    It's acrobatic leaps, flourishes, and general good
humor almost remind me of Italian music in this period.  What are your
thoughts concerning this movement?

As an aside to the readership, if you haven't read Han's research on
the Mozart concerti,
Das Horn bei Mozart you are missing a wonderful experience in
understanding these works and also study the autograph facsimiles of
the score.  

I encourage my students to use this book and also study the Barenreiter
edition to look at not only the horn part, but the string parts for
phrasing and articulation.  Han's volume on the Mozart Concerti should
be in every Music School library.


Dr. Eldon Matlick,  Horn Professor, University of Oklahoma
Principal Hornist, OK City Philharmonic
500 W Boyd 
Norman, OK  73019
(405) 325-4093 off. (405) 325-7574 fax
Conn-Selmer Educational Artist

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