If I remember right, Johann Michael Haydn was also young Mozart's composition 
teacher. A number of Mozart's early symphonies are arrangements of his works. 
The most notable is the Mozart 37th symphony, which is Haydn's Turkish symphony 
with an opening adagio by Mozart. So who better to write in Mozart's style?

Richard Hirsh, Chicago

date: Sat, 5 May 2007 07:37:16 +0200
from: "hans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: RE: [Hornlist] 2nd Movement to Mozart 3rd Concerto or . . .

Yes, this piece exists in the State Library here in Munich.
Roland Horvath has written an essay about it. It is nearly -
but nearly - the same as the 2nd mov. from K.447. History
behind: some horn soloist knew the piece by heart or had a
copy of the solo part & remembered some of the
accompaniment. So he asked Johann Michael Haydn to
"re-compose" the score for him. This is not a difficult task
at all, if one knows the composition style - and Johann
Michael Haydn, Joseph Haydns very skilled younger brother &
director of church music in Salzburg, knew this kind of not
unusual task very well.


-----Original Message-----
Subject: [Hornlist] 2nd Movement to Mozart 3rd Concerto or .
. .

Speaking of Mozart horn concerto's, driving into work this
AM I was listening to the Classical Music station in Austin,
TX.  The announcer said the next piece would be for a
Romance for horn and string quartet by Michael Haydn.  It
sounded almost exactly like the 2nd movement to Mozart's
third concerto.  The recording was by Herman Bauman.

Anyone else ever hear of such a thing?

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