> I'm still having troubles with my high range. Could you guys just 
> give me a list of the components of a good high range? What to do, 
> what not to do, etc.?
> Also, as I go higher, I tend to roll my bottom lip farther and farther 
> over my bottom teeth, which exaggerates my overbite. Is this bad? 

Yes that is bad.

I suspect that this is part of a wider problem, of generally "tightening up"
as you go into the upper range. Not just lips, but throat and shoulders as
well. The net effect of this whan I have seen it is that the player sounds
like a strangled cow in the upper register, even for those notes he can

High notes are achieved with a surprisingly modest tightening of the lips.
The main work done to reach high notes is done with the diaphragm, providing
exta air support.

To demonstrate this, play a long note in your upper register (but not right
at the top of it), and try to slur up to the next harmonic by changing
nothing but the amount of air support you provide. Try not to make any
conscious changes in your lips at all. Also make a positive effort not to
tighten your throat or to tense up in any other way.

Gaining an upper register takes time and is tiring. Don't try to do too much
each day, otherwise you will get into bad habits of increased tension and
suchlike by trying while tired.

Jonathan West

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
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