Anne M wrote

I,also, was very impressed with music on NPR here the evening of 
Friday,the 28th. The Boston Symphony did the Brahms First, always a 
favorite with me,maybe due to the wonderful horn parts!  Anyway, the
very exposed solo horn was just outstanding. It was like hearing them
for the first time and I'll be checking to see if it's available on CDs.
Any information on the player and of course,his choice of horns,would be 
appreciated. But somehow I think this person could have been playing a
Kazoo or singing the part and still sounded great.

It's funny you should mention the kazoo, because this famous
horn solo was based on a tune Brahms heard being played by 
a kazoospieler while touring Switzerland.   This trip also inspired
Brahms to include a yodeling chorus in the introduction to the
last movement, but he abandoned this idea when he learned
that Wagner had already written a yodeling chorus in the third
act of Die Walkuere.

Gotta go,

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