Kendall B wrote

> always BTSOOI (Blow The Stuff (polite   translation) Out Of It) keeping the
> resistance of the equipment  consistent  throughout the note and dynamic 
> I know  this sounds simple, and in  a way it is.

Then Howard S. wondered:

This  may sound--and be--simple to some, but not to me. What,
exactly, does one  do to play softly? If one "blows the crap out
of it," the dynamic will  just be loud. There has to be *some*
difference in what one does  physically when one is playing loud
and soft.

This is because you haven't been paying attention to the 
subtle nuances of crap, Howard.   Those of us who   
deal with dogs know that this superb substance is quite
soft when fresh.    Only when it sits and dessicates does it 
become hard.    So if you keep practicing, the humid
interior of your horn will keep it moist, making it nice and 
soft when you blow it out the bell. 

If you wish to deepen your appreciation of the nuances
mentioned above, go to the hornlist archives and
reread all my contributions for the last five years.   Perhaps
some of my postings have little good advice to offer.
But the rest, Howard, are full of it.

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