
1. Do some/many/most professional orchestral trumpet players own trumpets
pitched in C for playing things at concert pitch?

2. Do some/many/most who play Baroque music or other music written for Eb
trumpet own and use an Eb trumpet?  I helped a local band director transpose
some Eb trumpet parts so that Bb players could play them normally, and they
really did end up being quite high.  I also can't imagine someone playing
the first movement of the Haydn trumpet concerto on a Bb instrument
(although I guess it's possible).


Many of the good classical trumpet players in Chicago travel with 4 horns: Bb, C, D/Eb, and piccolo. All those I have worked with also know how to transpose into many keys. Most use the C trumpet as their primary instrument, and some don't even own a Bb horn. Those who play mostly second generally have a Bb horn to avoid missing notes at the bottom of their register.

Trumpet parts come in almost as wide a variety of keys as horn parts, and for much the same reason - writing for older valveless instruments created a tradition of writing for the instrument in many keys as if it were valveless, even after most players were using valved horns.

Richard Hirsh, Chicago
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