Dear Horn Listers, 
Please allow me this opportunity to inform you of the publication of a new  
book, I Found My Horn, by British journalist and amateur horn  player, Jasper 
Rees.  This is an autobiographical account of Jasper's  return to horn playing 
after a 22 year hiatus.  The title comes from the  humorous Flanders and Swann 
song that uses the rondo of Mozart No. 4, K.495  as its melody. The book is 
being released in the UK on January 24 by Wiedenfeld  and is scheduled for 
release in the US later this year by HarperCollins  with the title A Devil to 
Play, taken from the same source.   Apparently, HC found the original title a 
too racy!  That aside, I can  personally say that Jasper is an excellent 
writer and a "jolly good chap" as I  was privileged to have him as a 
participant at 
KBHC as he made his "quest for  the grail."
There is an extract published in the Daily Telegraph, the  paper that Mr. 
Rees mainly writes for,  
 which gives a flavor of  the book’s tone.  Rest  
assured that there is also a lot of serious consideration of the horn’s history 
too. For example, he's attempted to gather in one place every known fact  
about Leutgeb. There is also a chapter which is called “Hold It Like A Man!”  
after something Hermann Baumann said to him rather too forcefully one hot  
afternoon at KBHC.
The BBC has named I Found  My Horn its "Book of the Week. Five edited 
extracts are being  read as an audio book on BBC Radio 4 from Monday 14 Jan 
Friday 18 Jan.  The official broadcast time for the program is 9.45 AM, local  
time, and then there’s a repeat for European insomniacs at 12.30  AM, which is 
early-mid evening, depending on your time zone, in the US. It  is possible to 
listen online by going to _ 
(  and  clicking on the Listen Live tab on the 
right. However, there 
is also a Listen  Again option online which allows you to catch it for up to a 
week afterwards. It  can be found here: 
( .  Thus the 
Monday episode is available  for seven days from the moment of broadcast, the 
Tuesday one for seven days, and  so on. 
Copies of the first release may currently be ordered at 
=gateway)  .  
A copy is on its way to  me and I'll give a review here, ASAP.  Please join 
me in congratulating  Jasper in his monumental accomplishment in adding to the 
sparse assortment of  horn related writings!  
Kendall  Betts

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