As I told you guys the other day, I met a young lady (age 16) who wants =
to play horn, but has been playing trumpet because her left hand is defi=
cient of normal digits.  She's very bright, plays trumpet & piano quite =
well, comes from a musical family (dad's a music educator, piano), etc. =
The girl & her father are considering taking the plunge & buying a right=
hand horn. What the father wants to know is this: How much will being a=
right handed horn player interfere w/ her ability to be accepted into m=
usic schools, orchestras, etc. If any of you want to take a stab at this=
, offer discussion & opinions, I will forward the information to the fam=
ily.  And I'm sure they will be grateful.

Thanks, Valerie  =

I have reversed 2 single F horns to date. The operation could be done on single Bb horns also. I dissasemble the instrument and rebuild it the other way, the result is a mirror image instrument. About the only requirement for a donor is that the #1 and #3 valves have the same length of outer valve slides.

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