I fear there may be a small tse-tse fly in the ointment (oops the ointment 
went down with the ship) in this whole desert island discussion.  Depending on 
how long you plan to be marooned, a few recordings or etude books could become 
more of a torment than a comfort after a long confinement.  
      I'm thinking of many interviews I've heard with composers. When asked 
what's their favorite piece they've written, they reply "the next one".  I've 
often had the slightly bewildering experience of playing an old favorite 
recording that I haven't listened to for awhile.  One that I know every single 
nuance of, having listened to it so many times.   When I play the recording, I 
find that it's not at all the same as what I remember.  I've "improved" it in 
my mind.  Not only that, but I like my mental version better!
      I'm planning for the worst.  That 3 hour tour could end up leading to 
many years trapped on a desert island.  I'm only bringing the horn.  I remember 
reading that an 8D in the case WILL float for a short time.  Should be able to 
save that.  Hopefully coconut oil will work as valve oil.  If I can't remember 
all the music, I can just come up with alternate versions.  Heck, after Jorge 
Luis Borges went blind, he entirely reconstructed Don Quixote and the Divine 
Comedy in his mind.  There may be plenty of time to do something musically 
  - Steve Mumford   
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