> Looking to buy a new Horn, i play a Yamaha 664
> which has served me well

Why do you want to change? Is it getting old and worn, or are you looking
for something better? I have a Yamaha 664, and the only two horns I have
played and preferred were the alex 103 and the Yamaha 668. I particularly
liked the thumb-valve on the alex. Somehow I felt that it was designed to
be used as a chromatic valve, rather than than as a 'mode' change valve -
if this makes sense. The 668 is slightly easier to play at the top end
than the 664. I eventually got a new mouthpiece which has fixed that

A lot of this is probably down to personal preference and the fact that I
tend not to like the Geyer wrap. I have been told (and believe) that if I
played one for any length of time I'd get used to the intonation.

I had a very fun afternoon in Paxmans (London) who have a display rack
full of 20-30 french horns. If they were unhappy for me to play my way
through the entire shop's stock, they didn't show it. I tried several
Conns, but didn't find any that I preferred. I quite liked some of the
triples, but not their price tags.

Bearing in mind that I'm an amateur, I see no need to change instruments.


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